
Reversing course

If you’ve known me for any amount of time you know I used to have a website called I shut the site down after over 21 years in 2020 because I didn’t use it much anymore, didn’t wanna keep paying the hosting service I was using, and planned to use social media and free blogging services more.

The social media purge which has begun the year 2021, and the fact that the flow of information is so controlled by so very few oligarchs in Big Tech has convinced me to change my mind. Hence, welcome to

Truth be told, I have no idea how long this will even last. Hopefully, several years, maybe even until the Lord returns. In any event, I want a venue of my own in which I can publish if I so desire.

Click on the + at the bottom of the page to see the menu with more pages; and please, if you have come this far, bookmark my page, come back from time to time,and add my page to your RSS feed readers.

4 replies on “Reversing course”

Matt, I understand why you’re doing this. It seems that control of social media has really sped up since last Wednesday. I would like to talk to you and Liz on phone if ppssible. I’ll send my phone #. Therese

What does it mean for democracy when the First Amendment is continually narrowed by private companies stepping in to act as the censors that the government can’t be?

That is the tactic the left is taking. By giving Big Tech protection carte blanche the federal government has begun a process by which the First Amendment freedom of speech clause, which necessarily impacts every other freedom, is separated from the rest and put in the power of an oligarchy. I understand the logic behind the Section 230 protections, but those can and should have only been given with protections for all American people and their viewpoints. The federal government was not of, by, and FOR the people.

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